Weekly Newsletter

What’s Happening in Fourth Grade
Week of January 29, 2018
Reading (Besspiata)
Next week, we will continue reading the novel, Island of the Blue Dolphins.
 Students are completing reading response activities in class and for homework.
There will be a test on Wednesday, January 31 over Chapters 9-16. Students
should be reviewing their study guide to prepare.

Wordly Wise -  We will begin our new words in Lesson 8.

Language Arts (Besspiata)
In Shurley, we will continue Chapter 8 which focuses on object pronouns, changing
present test verbs to past tense verbs, and changing mixed tense verbs to past or
present tense verbs. There is a test scheduled for Friday, February 2.

Writing (Besspiata)
The students will begin writing a variety of activities that go along with our story,
Island of the Blue Dolphins.

Bible (Miss Reech)
MV: 2 Timothy 1:9 - “He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of
anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was
given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.” This week we will be
learning about grace and how grace does not rely on our works. We are saved by
God’s grace.  Our Bible test will be on Wednesday , January 31.

Spelling (Miss Reech)
10 words will be given Monday and Tuesday. Students received instructions on how
to complete homework for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday located in their
Reech folder. 7 words will be used each night. On Wednesday we will take a
practice test. If students make a 100 A+, they do not have to take the test on
Friday. Our test on all 21 words will be on Friday.

Social Studies (Miss Reech)
We will conclude our unit on our federal, state, and local governments in
preparation for our field trip to the New State Capital and Governor’s Mansion on
Thursday, February 1.  Our Unit Test will be Tuesday, January 30. Students will also complete and present their brochure about the New State Capitol this week.

Science (Mrs. Jaques) -
Next week, we will complete our unit on electric circuits.   They will show all they
have learned simple circuits, series and parallel circuits, conductors and insulators;
and they will construct a simple circuit board.

On Wednesday January 24, the students received the packet for their fourth
grade science fair project.  The students must design an experiment based on a
testable scientific question using the scientific method. At the end of next week,
we will begin a unit on the scientific method and explore many sample projects
from the past.  All Science fair projects will be due on March 13.

Math (Mrs. Jaques) -
Next week the fourth graders will begin a new chapter titled, “Number Theory.”  The students will learn the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10. They will also find factors and multiples of given numbers as well as identify prime, composite, and square numbers. The Chapter 16 test will be on Tuesday, February 6.  On Tuesday, January 30, the students will have a timed basic-facts division test on facts to ten.  They may practice at the following website:  http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/thats_a_fact/english_K_3.html

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